
Vaccines dashboard - COVID-19 - living NMA initiative

User Guide ☜



Data: COVID-19 - living NMA initiative

Visualisations: Romain Vuillemot - LIRIS, École Centrale de Lyon; Philippe Rivière - LIRIS, VisionsCarto; Pierre Ripoll - LIRIS, INSA Lyon; Julien Barnier - Centre Max Weber, CNRS.

Dashboard developed with DC.js on Observable.


reset = ""
W0 = 1200


age_groups = Array(8) [Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object, Object]
phaseRecode = Map(8) {"Phase1" => 1, "Phase1/Phase2" => 1.5, "Phase2" => 2, "Phase2/Phase3" => 2.5, "Phase3" => 3, "Phase3/Phase4" => 3.5, "Phase4" => 4, "Notreported" => 0}
fixCharset = ƒ(text)


colors = Object {phantom: Array(1), solid: Array(1)}
addTitle = ƒ(key)
phaseLabels = Map(8) {1 => "1. Phase 1", 1.5 => "2. Phase 1 / Phase 2", 2 => "3. Phase 2", 2.5 => "4. Phase 2 / Phase 3", 3 => "5. Phase 3", 3.5 => "5. Phase 3 / Phase 4", 4 => "6. Phase 4", 0 => "9. N/A"}
styleSvg = ` #sphere { fill: #fff; stroke: #000; stroke-width: 0; } #land { fill: #555; stroke: #ccc; stroke-width: .5; } #activeCountries { fill: #000; stroke: #ccc; stroke-width: .5; } #map text { font-family: sans-serif; font-size: 9px; text-anchor: middle; dominant-baseline: middle; pointer-events: none; } #map text.legend { font-size: 12px } #ghostCircles { fill: #ccc; fill-opacity: .4 } #circles { fill: #2CA02C; fill-opacity: 1; stroke: white; } #map path.hover { stroke-width: 2px } #map path.selected { stroke-width: 3px } #tooltip text { text-anchor: start; } `
fillCircles = "#2CA02C"
fillLinks = "#2CA02C"
fillLand = "#555"
fillActiveCountry = "#000"
baseRadius = 6


countries = Object {type: "FeatureCollection", features: Array(176)}
WIDTH = 619
zoomButton = false
patientsButton = false
fullTableButton = false
reducer = ƒ(d)
numberLabel = "# of studies"
margin = -10
identifyCountries = ƒ(d)


dc.js, d3, crossfilter…

crossfilter = ƒ()
dc = Object {BadArgumentException: class, BarChart: class, BaseMixin: class, BoxPlot: class, BubbleChart: class, BubbleMixin: ƒ(Base), BubbleOverlay: class, CapMixin: ƒ(Base), CboxMenu: class, ColorMixin: ƒ(Base), CompositeChart: class, Config: class, CoordinateGridMixin: class, DataCount: class, DataGrid: class, DataTable: class, GeoChoroplethChart: class, HeatMap: class, HtmlLegend: class, InvalidStateException: class, …}
invalidate = ƒ(invalidation, chart, chartGroup)
visionscarto = Object {init_country_names: ƒ(), country_name_to_iso3: ƒ(str)}
callout = ƒ(g, value)
clamp = ƒ(x, lo, hi)
breakAfter = 5
hideAfter = 14
getMonday = ƒ(d)
