Long COVID treatment

We are searching the literature every day and collecting data for each RCT of COVID-19 treatment identified.

Below you can access all the treatment comparisons where data are available as well as a table with the general characteristics of each trial. For each treatment comparison, you can access the forest plots for all the outcomes of interest available as well as the Summary of Findings (SoF) table

Each week we are updating the evidence synthesis.

Please choose a Treatment Comparison:

Reboot the table and see all comparisons

Description of primary studies

In this table, we report the main characteristics of the RCTs identified.

The link in the column Overall risk of bias will give you access to a complete description of the assessment of each risk of bias domain with supports for judgement. The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review.

The link in the column Full description will give you access to the general characteristics of the study.

The components included in the standard of care vary among the included studies. For example, the standard of care may include antiviral treatments in some studies, but not in others. We are in the process of contacting the study authors to obtain more information.

We acknowledge that we may have been unable to extract some information from pre-prints, as they represent preliminary forms of scientific communication. We perform daily database searches to identify if an included pre-print has been published in a scientific journal, and we will use the published paper to update our extraction.

Trial Funding Comparisons Design Participants Sample size Overall risk
of bias
Highest assessment
Full description
Treatment 1 Treatment 2
Liu K, Complement Ther Clin Pract, 2020
Full text
* Respiratory rehabilitation No respiratory rehabilitation RCT Patients aged over 65 with confirmed Covid-19 successfully discharged from two centers in China. N=76

Full description

We recognize that our process might not be perfect. Please contact us if you identify an error