We include Rnadomized Controlled trials (RCTs).
Protocol amendment:
On February 28, 2022, the COVID-NMA revised its protocol. We stopped including non-pharmacological interventions trials. The analysis presented in this page includes trials identified and included up to Feb 28, 2022.
No restriction on language
Any non-pharmacological intervention for treating COVID-19 .
On the 1st of February 2021, the protocol of the review on pharmacological and nonpharmacological treatments was amended to consider only the following outcomes:
Critical outcomes:Important outcomes:
The nodes represent the interventions being compared in the available RCTs. Two interventions are connected with a line whenever there is at least one RCT comparing them directly. The size of the nodes is proportional to the total number of participants randomised in each intervention and the thickness of the line is proportional to the precision (i.e. the inverse of the variance) of the relative effect for the respective direct comparison. The color of the lines represents the overall risk of bias of the direct comparisons for the outcome that corresponds to each network diagram. When two or more RCTs compare the same pair of interventions, then the risk of bias of that comparison is calculated as the inverse variance weighted average of the study-specific overall risk of bias judgements.