Trial NCT04577534
Publication COVIDSTORM - Broman N, Clin Microbiol Infect (2022) (published paper)
Primary outcome on the report: The primary endpoint was clinical status at day 28 assessed using a seven-category ordinal scale, where 1 is at home, normal daily activities; 2 is at home, assistance needed; 3 is hospitalized, no supplemental oxygen; 4 is hospitalized (non-ICU), receiving supplemental oxygen; 5 is in ICU, no invasive mechanical ventilation (IMV); 6 is in ICU receiving IMV and/or extracorporeal membrane oxygenation; and 7 is dead.

Note: The risk of bias by domain corresponds to the highest risk of bias among outcomes by domain.
The overall risk of bias corresponds to the overall highest risk of bias assessed among outcomes.