Trial NCT04324073
Publication CORIMUNO-SARI-2 - Hermine O, Eur Respir J (2022) (published paper)
Primary outcome on the report: 1)The early co-primary outcome is the proportion of patients with a decrease of WHO score of at least 1 point at day 4.
2) The longer-term co-primary outcome is the cumulative incidence of successful tracheal extubation (defined as duration extubation > 48h) at day 14 if patients have been intubated before day 14 or removal of NIV or high flow (for > 48h) if they were included under oxygen by NIV or High flow (score 6) and remained without intubation.

Note: The risk of bias by domain corresponds to the highest risk of bias among outcomes by domain.
The overall risk of bias corresponds to the overall highest risk of bias assessed among outcomes.