Therapeutic anticoagulant vs Prophylactic anticoagulant (RCT)

Hospitalized patients

FOREST PLOTS -2022-04-29

Studies description

Trial NCT02735707, NCT04505774, NCT04359277, NCT04372589
Publication Goligher E, N Engl J Med (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-21 to 2020-12-19
Funding: Mixed (Multiple funders, internationally, with multiple regional sponsors)
Conflict of interest: *

Trial NCT02735707, NCT04505774, NCT04359277, NCT04372589
Publication Lawler PR, N Engl J Med (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-21 to 2021-01-22
Funding: Mixed (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, LifeArc Foundation, Thistledown Foundation, Research Manitoba, Ontario Ministry of Health, Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Cancercare Manitoba Foundation, Victoria General Hospital Foundation, National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, National Institutes of Health (NIH), European Union, Australian National Health and Medical Research Council, Health Research Council of New Zealand, U.K. NIHR, NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre, Health Research Board of Ireland, UPMC Learning While Doing Program, Breast Cancer Research Foundation, French Ministry of Health, the Minderoo Foundation, Amgen, Eisai, Global Coalition for Adaptive Research, Wellcome Trust.)
Conflict of interest: *

Trial RBR-949z6v
Publication Lemos ACB, Thromb Res (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-01 to 2020-07-30
Funding: No specific funding (None)
Conflict of interest: No

Trial NCT04394377
Publication ACTION - Lopes RD, Lancet (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-06-24 to 2021-02-26
Funding: Mixed (Coalition COVID-19 Brazil, Bayer SA.)
Conflict of interest: Yes

Trial NCT04604327
Publication Marcos M, Thromb Haemost (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-10-26 to 2021-05-30
Funding: Mixed (This trial was an investigator-initiated study. Laboratorios Farmacéuticos ROVI kindly provided the study drugs, but did not participate in any other step of the clinical trial process.)
Conflict of interest: Yes

Trial 0112U001413 (Ukraine)
Publication Oliynyk O, Life (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-07-01 to 2021-03-01
Funding: Public/non profit (Ministry of Science and Higher Education in Poland)
Conflict of interest: No

Trial *
Publication Rashidi F, Thromb Res (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-09-01 to 2021-04-30
Funding: Not reported/unclear
Conflict of interest: No

Trial NCT04362085; NCT04444700
Publication RAPID - Sholzberg M, BMJ (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-05-29 to 2021-04-12
Funding: Public/non profit (Task 54, Department of National Defence; St. Michael’s Hospital Foundation; St. Joseph’s Health Centre Foundation; 2020 TD Community Health Solutions Fund – COVID-19 Research Grant; Michael Garron Hospital; The Ottawa Hospital Foundation COVID-19 Emergency Response Fund; INVENT Kickstarter Award; Science Foundation Ireland, Enterprise Ireland, IDA Ireland COVID-19 Rapid Response Funding; SEAMO COVID-19 Innovation Fund; National Institute of General Medical Sciences, NIH; University of Vermont Medical Center Fund Grant; King Saud University)
Conflict of interest: No

Trial NCT04401293
Publication Spyropoulos A, JAMA Intern Med (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-05-08 to 2021-05-14
Funding: Public/non profit (Feinstein Institutes for Medical Research, the Broxmeyer Fellowship in Clinical Thrombosis, and grant R24AG064191 from the National Institute on Aging)
Conflict of interest: Yes