The analysis below do not include the results from 14 unpublished studies reported by Axfors et al 2021 Mortality outcomes with hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine in COVID-19 from an international collaborative meta-analysis of randomized trials .
Of note the study Abd-Elsalam S, Am J Trop Med Hyg, 2020 was retracted on Sep, 2022. The study is not removed from analysis since retraction happened beyound last search date Feb 28, 2022. FOREST PLOTS -2022-04-29
Trial NCT04353336
Publication Abd-Elsalam S, Am J Trop Med Hyg (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-03-23 to 2020-06-30
Funding: Public/non profit (Tanta University)
Conflict of interest: *
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / Egypt Follow-up duration (days): 28 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: 400 mg orally twice daily on day 1, maintenance dose: 200 mg orally twice daily for 15 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=97 Standard care=97 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 194 Mean age : NR 114 males Severity : Mild: n=* / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=* Critical: n=* | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Number of patients with cure or death [Time Frame: 1 month] | |
In the report Recovery within 28 days, need for mechanical ventilation, or death. | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Not reported |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment | In addition to the published article, the study registry was used in data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. Neither the study protocol nor the statistical analysis plan was available. The study was retrospectively registered. There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. It is not clear how many patients received which aspects of standard care. Several outcomes are reported in the manuscript that are not included in the registry. |
Trial NCT04315948
Publication DisCoVeRy - Ader F, medRxiv (2022) (preprint)
Dates: 2020-03-22 to 2020-06-29
Funding: Mixed (Programme Hospitalier de Recherche Clinique, DIM One Health Île-de-France, REACTing, INSERM. GILEAD, SANOFI, MERCK and ABBVIE (drug provision) )
Conflict of interest: Yes
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / France, Luxembourg Follow-up duration (days): 90 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Lopinavir-Ritonavir Lpv/R: 400/100 mg orally or by nasogastric tube every 12h for 14 days LPV/r+IFN beta-1a Lpv/R: 400/100 mg orally or by nasogastric tube every 12h for 14 days IFN beta-1a: 44 mcg subcutaneously on days 1, 3 and 6 Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg orally twice on day 1 then 400 mg once daily for 9 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Lopinavir-Ritonavir=150 LPV/r+IFN beta-1a=150 Hydroxychloroquine=151 Standard care=152 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 603 Mean age : NR 421 males Severity : Mild: n=21 / Moderate: n=354 / Severe: n=62 Critical: n=156 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Percentage of subjects reporting each severity rating on a 7-point ordinal scale [ Time Frame: Day 15]; a. Not hospitalized, no limitations on activities; b. Not hospitalized, limitation on activities; c. Hospitalized, not requiring supplemental oxygen; d. Hospitalized, requiring supplemental oxygen; e. Hospitalized, on non-invasive ventilation or high flow oxygen devices; f. Hospitalized, on invasive mechanical ventilation or ECMO; g. Death | |
In the report Clinical status at day 15 as measured on the 7-point ordinal scale of the WHO Master Protocol (v3.0, March 3, 2020) | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
In addition to the journal/pre-print article and its supplementary materials, the study registry and published protocol were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment.
DisCoVeRy is an adaptive, add-on trial of the WHO Solidarity trial. The same treatments are evaluated in DisCoVeRy and in Solidarity. Solidarity has three endpoints which are also secondary endpoints of DisCoVeRy: (1) mortality during hospitalization (the primary endpoint of Solidarity), (2) length of hospital stay and (3) time to mechanical ventilation or transfer to intensive care. There were no substantive differences between the protocol, registry and publication/pre-print in study population, procedures, interventions or outcomes. The 3 intervention arms presented here were terminated early. Quote: "The present analysis is based on the protocol v7.0 of April, 5th 2020,(14) with two secondary outcomes added in protocol v9.0 of June, 29th 2020...On May 25th 2020, following a safety warning on hydroxychloroquine use(19), enrollment in the hydroxychloroquine arm was suspended at the request of the French Agency of drug Security (Agence Nationale de Sécurité du Médicament). On June 13th, based on the interim analysis of the Solidarity data, the Solidarity and DisCoVeRy trial DSMBs recommended to definitely stop the hydroxychloroquine arm due to futility. This decision was endorsed by the DisCoVeRy steering committee on June 17th. The Solidarity DSMB advised to stop the lopinavir/ritonavir arm due to futility on June, 23th. Thereafter, the DisCoVeRy DSMB further advised to stop both the lopinavir/ritonavir-containing arms due to additional safety concern on June, 25th. This decision was endorsed by the DisCoVeRy steering committee on June 27th with subsequent interruption on June, 29th." The pre-planned remdesivir arm is continuing and currently enrolling. This was substantially underpowered as <25% of the pre-stated sample size was randomized. On 1st of May, 2021, this study was updated based on the published report. On 26th of April, 2022, this study was updated based on the preprint reporting final results. |
Trial *
Publication Ahmad B, Clin Med Res (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-06-01 to 2020-06-15
Funding: No specific funding (The authors have reported no conflicts of interest or financial support for this work.)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: single blinding | |
Location :
Single center / Pakistan Follow-up duration (days): 12 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: 400 mg orally twice a day on day 1 - Maintenance dose: 200 mg orally twice a day on days 2-5 Chloroquine 250 mg orally twice a day for 7 days |
Placebo | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=50 Chloroquine=50 Placebo=50 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 150 Mean age : NR 0 males Severity : Mild: n=* / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register NR | |
In the report Development of cytokine release syndrome (CRS) | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Not reported |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment | Only the published article was used in data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. No registry, protocol or statistical analysis plan was available. The article reported no NMA-specific outcomes eligible for extraction. |
Trial NCT02735707
Publication Arabi Y, Intensive Care Med (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-08 to 2020-11-19
Funding: Mixed (The European Union through the Platform for European Preparedness Against emerging Epidemics (PRE‑PARE) consortium and Horizon 2020 research and innovation program (the Rapid European Covid-19 Emergency Research response (RECOVER) consortium; the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council; the Health Research Council of New Zealand; Canadian Institutes of Health Research Strategy for
Patient-Oriented Research Innovative Clinical Trials Program Grant; the U.K. NIHR and the NIHR Imperial Biomedical Research Centre; the Health Research Board of Ireland; the UPMC Learning While Doing Program; the Breast Cancer Research Foundation; the French Ministry of
Health; the Minderoo Foundation; Amgen; Eisai; the Global Coalition for Adaptive Research; the Wellcome Trust Innovations Project)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / Australia, Canada, France, Germany, Ireland, Netherlands, New Zealand, Portugal, Saudi Arabia, UK, USA Follow-up duration (days): 90 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Lopinavir-Ritonavir 400 mg + 100 mg orally twice daily for 5-14 days or ICU discharge Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: two oral 800 mg doses 6 h apart - Maintenance dose: 400 mg orally twice daily for 6 days HCQ+LPV/r 400 mg Lopinavir + 100 mg Ritonavir orally twice daily for 5-14 days or ICU discharge + HCQ two 800 mg oral doses 6 h apart, then 400 mg orally twice daily for 6 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Lopinavir-Ritonavir=268 Hydroxychloroquine=52 HCQ+LPV/r=29 Standard care=377 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 726 Mean age : NR 488 males Severity : Mild: n=0 / Moderate: n=0 / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=694 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register All-cause mortality [ Time Frame: Day 90 ]; Days alive and not receiving organ support in ICU [ Time Frame: Day 21 ] | |
In the report composite ordinal scale of the number of respiratory and cardiovascular organ support-free days (OSFD) and in-hospital mortality with death assigned the worst outcome, up to day 21 | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment | In addition to the published article, the supplementary appendix with protocol and statistical analysis plan, and study registry were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. This was a multi-country adaptive platform trial (REMAP-CAP) with no pre-defined sample size. This paper reported on critically ill patients and four of the trial's intervention arms. The interventions arms reported were added to the registry (15 April 2020) one week after the start of recruitment to the arms (8 April 2020), but the domain-specific protocol amendment was dated before start of recruitment (1 April 2020). There were no substantive differences between the published article and the registry, protocol and statistical analysis plan in population, procedures, interventions and outcomes. Enrollment into the hydroxychloroquine and combination therapy study arms was halted before reaching any pre-specifed internal trigger but based on external evidence, consequently, these arms had much smaller sample sizes compared to the other arms. |
Trial NCT04321616
Publication NOR-SOLIDARITY - Barratt-Due A, Ann Intern Med (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-03-28 to 2020-06-08
Funding: Mixed (National Clinical Therapy Research in the Specialist Health Services, Norway; Mylan (drug donation)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / Norway Follow-up duration (days): 90 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: 800 mg orally 2 times a day for the first 24 hours- Maintenance dose: 400 mg orally 2 times a day for up to 9 days. |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=54 Standard care=54 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 108 Mean age : NR 65 males Severity : Mild: n=* / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=* Critical: n=* | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register All cause in-hospital mortality [Time Frame: 3 weeks] | |
In the report In-hospital mortality (i.e. death during the original hospitalization; follow-up ceased at discharge), regardless of whether death occurred before or after day 28 | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
NOR-Solidarity includes additional data collected beyond the WHO Solidarity core follow-up. HCQ was removed as a treatment arm after advice from the NOR-Solidarity steering committee on June 8th 2020 due to lack of evidence of its effectiveness, confirmed both in internal WHO interim analyses and an external report from the Recovery study. In addition to the peer-reviewed journal and pre-print articles, the study registry and protocol were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. A statistical analysis plan was not available. There were no substantive differences between the article and trial registry in population, procedures, interventions. Some secondary outcomes from the registry (e.g. viral clearance as assessed by SARS-CoV-2 PCR) are not reported in the paper, though the supplementary material is not currently accessible. Mortality is in-hospital mortality.
On 27th of July, 2021, this study was updated based on published article. |
Trial NCT04391127
Publication Beltran-Gonzalez J, medRxiv (2021) (preprint)
Dates: 2020-05-04 to 2020-08-15
Funding: Public/non profit (Aguascalienes State Health Institute)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Double blinded, no restrictions | |
Location :
Single center / Mexico Follow-up duration (days): 30 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: 400 mg orally twice a day for the first day. Maintenance dose: 200 mg orally twice a day for another 4 days. Ivermectin 12 mg for one day in patients weighing < 80 kg and 18 mg for one day in those >80 kg. |
Placebo Two calcium citrate tablets orally twice a day for one day. Subsequently one tablet twice a day for 4 more days. | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=33 Ivermectin=36 Placebo=37 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 106 Mean age : NR 66 males Severity : Mild: n=0 / Moderate: n=16 / Severe: n=90 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Mean days of hospital stay [ Time Frame: Three months ]; Rate of Respiratory deterioration, requirement of invasive mechanical ventilation or dead [ Time Frame: Three months ]; Mean of oxygenation index delta [ Time Frame: Three months ] | |
In the report Hospitalization duration until discharge due to clinical improvement, the total duration of hospitalization, and the safety outcomes were duration of hospitalization until respiratory deterioration (previously defined) or death | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
In addition to the pre-print article, the trial registry was used in data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. Neither study protocol nor statistical analysis plan was available. Inclusion criteria in registry and the pre-print article differ slightly in that the pre-print article also included hypoxemic respiratory failure or acute clinical deterioration of pre-existing lung or heart disease. Some pre-stated primary (i.e., mean of oxygenation index delta) and secondary (i.e., mean time to negative PCR) outcomes were not reported. There were no substantive differences between the pre-print article and the trial registry in interventions. Patients considered at high risk of development of QT interval prolongation due to hydroxychloroquine were only randomized to the ivermectin or placebo arms. The trial was terminated due to a reduction in eligible participants. As a result, the target sample size was not achieved.
This trial was updated on July 28th, 2021 with data gained from contact with authors. |
Trial NCT04322123
Publication Cavalcanti AB, N Engl J Med (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 3/29/2020 to 5/17/2020
Funding: Mixed (Hospitals and research institutes participating in Coalition Covid-19 Brazil; EMS Pharma )
Conflict of interest: Yes
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / Brazil Follow-up duration (days): 15 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
HCQ+AZM Hydroxychloroquine: 400 mg orally or via nasogastric tube twice a day for 7 days Azithromycin: 500 mg IV or orally once a day for 7 days Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg orally or via nasogastric tube twice a day for 7 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : HCQ+AZM=217 Hydroxychloroquine=221 Standard care=229 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 667 Mean age : NR 388 males Severity : Mild: n=387 / Moderate: n=278 / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Evaluation of the clinical status of patients on the 15th day after randomization defined by the Ordinal Scale of 7 points. | |
In the report Clinical status at 15 days, evaluated with the use of a seven-level ordinal scale (with levels ranging from one to seven and higher scores indicating a worse condition) | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
In addition to the published report and supplementary file, the study registry, protocol and SAP were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The study achieved the target sample size reported in the registry. There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. All outcomes from the registry are reported in the paper. Quote: "We had originally planned for the trial to include 630 patients, using the intention-to-treat analysis population, with a six-level ordinal outcome as the primary outcome, as described in the Supplementary Appendix. However, before the first interim analysis was conducted, we changed the primary-outcome assessment to the seven-level ordinal scale and the main analysis population from the intention-to-treat population to a modified intention-to-treat population that included only patients with a diagnosis of Covid-19 that had been confirmed by reverse-transcriptase- polymerase-chain-reaction (RT-PCR) testing (using the test available at each site)." Comment: Furthermore, safety analysis on a safety population of 4 arms was performed - hydrxychloroquine plus azithromycin (n=239), hydroxychloroquine only (n=199), azithromycin only (n=50)and neither hydroxychloroquine nor azithromycin (n=177). Data could not be accurately extracted from this safety population, therefore adverse events data from ITT population were used. |
Trial NCT04384380
Publication Chen CP, Plos one (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 01/04/2020 to 31/05/2020
Funding: Mixed (Hospital and Social Welfare Organizations Administration Commission, Ministry of Health and Welfare, Taiwan biotec donation of investigational products)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / Taiwan Follow-up duration (days): 14 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg orally twice daily on day 1 or 200 mg twice daily for 6 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=21 Standard care=12 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 33 Mean age : NR 19 males Severity : Mild: n=29 / Moderate: n=4 / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Time to negatively RT-PCR [ Time Frame: 14 days ] | |
In the report Time to negative rRT-PCR assessments from randomization up to 14 days | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication:
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
In addition to all available versions of the published article, pre-print article, the study registry, protocol and data from direct contact to authors were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The study achieved the target sample size reported in the registry. There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. No pre-specified statistical analysis plan is available. There is no change from the trial registration in the primary outcome. Some secondary outcomes in the report are not present in the registry. One secondary outcome stated in the paper, 'the proportion of discharge by day 14', was not reported.
This study was updated on August 12th with data from contact with authors. This study was updated on December 9th with data from the published manuscript. |
Trial NCT04261517
Publication Chen J, Journal of Zhejiang (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 06feb2020 to 25feb2020
Funding: Public/non profit (Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Single center / China Follow-up duration (days): 14 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg orally once daily for 5 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=15 Standard care=15 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 30 Mean age : NR 21 males Severity : Mild: n=* / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=* Critical: n=* | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register 1. The virological clearance rate of throat swabs, sputum, or lower respiratory tract secretions at day 3 [ Time Frame: 3 days after randomization ] 2. The virological clearance rate of throat swabs, sputum, or lower respiratory tract secretions at day 5 [Time Frame: 5 days after randomization ] 3. The virological clearance rate of throat swabs, sputum, or lower respiratory tract secretions at day 7 [ Time Frame: 7 days after randomization ] 4. The mortality rate of subjects at weeks 2 [ Time Frame: 14 days after randomization ] | |
In the report Virological clearance of a throat swab, sputum, or lower respiratory tract secretion on day 7 or death of the patient within 2 weeks | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Not reported |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
High |
General comment | In addition to the published article, the study registry was used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The extraction was based on the translation of the article to English by using an online translation tool. There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. The outcomes indicated in registry reflect the outcomes reported in the paper. On July 9th, 2020 we received additional information from authors on this study.On July 9th, 2020 we received additional information from authors on this study. |
Trial ChiCTR2000030054
Publication Chen L, medRxiv (2020) (preprint)
Dates: 18feb2020 to 30mar2020
Funding: Public/non profit (Medical and Health Key project of Xiamen, a project of the Xiamen Science and Technology Bureau)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Single center / China Follow-up duration (days): 28 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg orally twice a day for 10 days Chloroquine 1000 mg orally four times a day for the first day, then 500 mg four times a day for additional 9 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=28 Chloroquine=25 Standard care=14 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 67 Mean age : NR 22 males Severity : Mild: n=0 / Moderate: n=48 / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Clinical recovery time | |
In the report The primary outcome measurement for this study was time to clinical recovery (TTCR), defined as the number of days from randomization to clinical recovery. | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication:
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
High |
General comment | In addition to all available versions of the published/pre-print article, the study registry was used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The study did not achieve the target sample size specified in the trial registry. There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. The initial inclusion criteria included mild patients who were then removed after randomization. Table 1 reported characteristics for moderate patients only. 5 additional patients excluded before outcome analysis because they were asymptomatic. No pre-specified statistical analysis plan. Statistical measures (OR, RR, HR) were not reported; PO reported as median days (IQR). Data analysis is pending required information on outcomes |
Trial ChiCTR2000029559
Publication Chen Z, medRxiv (2020) (preprint)
Dates: 04feb2020 to 28feb2020
Funding: Public/non profit (Epidemiological Study of COVID-19 Pneumonia to Science and Technology Department of Hubei Province)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Single center / China Follow-up duration (days): 6 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg orally twice a day for 5 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=31 Standard care=31 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 62 Mean age : NR 29 males Severity : Mild: n=0 / Moderate: n=62 / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register The time when the nucleic acid of the novel coronavirus turns negative and T cell recovery time | |
In the report NR | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment | In addition to all available versions of the published/pre-print article, the study registry was used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The study was initially registered as a 3-arm RCT, with a placebo-control arm and two arms receiving hydrochloroquine. It did not achieve the target sample size specified in the trial registry. Neither of the outcomes specified in the registry as primary is reported in the paper. Some outcomes (time to recovery, pulmonary recovery base on chest CT scan improvement, adverse events) are reported in the paper, but was not pre-specified in the trial registry/protocol. |
Trial NCT04325893
Publication Dubee V, Clin Microbiol Infec (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-01 to 2020-05-26
Funding: Public/non profit (French Ministry of Health, Pays de la Loire region, Angers Loire Metropole conurbation)
Conflict of interest: Yes
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: | |
Location :
Multicenter / France, Monaco Follow-up duration (days): 28 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg orally twice daily for 8 days. |
Placebo | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=125 Placebo=125 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 250 Mean age : NR 121 males Severity : Mild: n=96 / Moderate: n=151 / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Number of death from any cause, or the need for intubation and mechanical ventilation during the 14 days following inclusion and start of treatment. [ Time Frame: Day 14 ] | |
In the report Composite of death and the need for invasive mechanical ventilation within 14 days following randomization | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication:
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
In addition to the pre-print article, the trial registry, protocol, statistical analysis plan and supplementary materials were used in data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. The trial did not reach its proposed sample size as it was terminated due to a low inclusion rate in the context of the slowdown of the pandemic in France, shortly after being suspended due to reports of hydroxychloroquine toxicity in other trials. There were no substantive differences between the pre-print article and the trial registry, protocol, statistical analysis plan and supplementary materials in study procedures, treatments or outcomes.
On 13th of April ,2021, this study was updated based on the published report. |
Trial CTRI/2020/04/024479
Publication Gupta S, Med J Armed Forces I (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-05-30 to 2020-09-30
Funding: Public/non profit (Command Hospital Airforce)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Single center / India Follow-up duration (days): * | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: 400 mg orally twice a day on day 1 - Maintenance dose: 400 mg orally once a day on days 2-5. |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=55 Standard care=55 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 110 Mean age : NR 80 males Severity : Mild: n=0 / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=* Critical: n=* | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register number of days of hospitalization (discharge) | |
In the report number of days of hospitalization till discharge or death | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Not reported |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
* |
General comment |
This study is pending contact with authors.
In addition to the published paper, the registry was available (dated April 4 2020). Neither protocol nor statistical analysis plan was available. The primary outcome in the article reflected that in the registry. The trial (n = 110) exceeded its target sample size (n = 32). No follow-up time was reported. No outcomes eligible for COVID NMA were reported. |
Trial NCT04315896
Publication Hernandez-Cardenas C, PloS One (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-08 to 2020-07-12
Funding: Mixed (Participating hospitals; CONACYT (National Council of Science and Technology of Mexico); SANOFI)
Conflict of interest: *
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: quadruple blinding | |
Location :
Multicenter / Mexico Follow-up duration (days): 30 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg twice a day for 10 days, orally or by nasogastric tube |
Placebo | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=106 Placebo=108 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 214 Mean age : NR 161 males Severity : Mild: n=0 / Moderate: n=0 / Severe: n=52 Critical: n=162 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register All-cause hospital mortality [ Time Frame: From date of randomization until the date of hospital discharge or date of death from any cause, whichever came first, assessed up to 120 days ] | |
In the report 30-day mortality rate after randomization | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
In addition to the published article, the pre-print article and the trial registry were used in data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. The statistical analysis plan was not available. There were no substantive differences between the registry and the pre-print/published article in population, procedures or interventions. Outcomes were pre-specified at 120 days vs 30 days in the published report. The study was stopped early due to reduced recruitment following the worldwide suspension of several large trials testing HCQ.
Quote: "In mid-July, 2020, the rhythm of recruitment was reduced drastically, due to several reasons including patient refusal, that of their relatives, or that of their treating physicians, coinciding with the worldwide suspension of several large trials testing HCQ in which no benefits of the drug were found. Thus, it became unfeasible to complete the proposed sample size." The study was updated on the November 24th, 2021 with data from the published report. |
Trial NCT04381936
Publication RECOVERY (HCQ) - Horby P, N Engl J Med (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 25mar2020 to 05jun2020
Funding: Mixed (University of Oxford from UK Research and Innovation/National Institute for Health Research (NIHR); NIHR Oxford Biomedical Research Centre; Wellcome; Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; Department for International Development; Health Data Research UK)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / UK Follow-up duration (days): 28 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg tablet orally: 4 tablets at baseline and at 6 hours, then 2 tablets starting at 12 hours after initial dose and then every 12 hours for the next 9 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=1561 Standard care=3155 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 4716 Mean age : NR 2934 males Severity : Mild: n=1112 / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=* Critical: n=793 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register All-cause mortality [ Time Frame: Within 28 days after randomisation ] | |
In the report 28-day mortality | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment |
In addition to the published article, the pre-print preliminary report and supplementary appendix, the study registry, protocol, and statistical analysis plan were also used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments nor primary and secondary outcomes.
On 4 June, in response to a request from the MHRA, the independent Data Monitoring Committee conducted a review of the data and recommended the chief investigators review the unblinded data on the hydroxychloroquine arm of the trial. The Chief Investigators and Trial Steering Committee concluded that the data showed no beneficial effect of hydroxychloroquine in patients hospitalized with COVID-19. The decision to stop enrolment of participants to the hydroxychloroquine arm was made on June 5 and investigators were advised that any patients currently taking hydroxychloroquine as part of the study should discontinue the treatment. |
Trial NCT04491994
Publication Kamran SM, Cureus (2021) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-10 to 2020-05-17
Funding: No specific funding (No financial support was received from any organization for the submitted work. )
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Single center / Pakistan Follow-up duration (days): 14 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: 400 mg orally twice a day for day 1 - Maintenance dose: 200 mg twice a day for the next five days. |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=360 Standard care=180 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 540 Mean age : NR 467 males Severity : Mild: n=500 / Moderate: n=0 / Severe: n=0 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Number of Participants With Progression [ Time Frame: 5 days ] After start of treatment, development of fever > 101 F for > 72 hours, shortness of breath by minimal exertion (10-Step walk test), derangement of basic lab parameters (ALC < 1000 or raised CRP) or appearance of infiltrates on CXR during course of treatment was labeled as progression irrespective of PCR status. | |
In the report Disease progression within five days of start of treatment. Progression of disease was defined by the development of fever >101 F for >72 hours, shortness of breath with minimal exertion, derangement of basic laboratory parameters (ALC < 1000 or raised CRP), or appearance of infiltrates on X-ray chest | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Not reported |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
High |
General comment | In addition to the published article, the retrospective trial registry with results was used in data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. Neither full study protocol nor statistical analysis plan was available. There were no differences between the trial registry and brief protocol and the published article in population, procedures, interventions or outcomes. The study achieved its target sample size. Despite satisfactory randomisation procedure, the study was assessed as being at a high risk of bias due to apparent selection of control participants based on preference and/or contraindications to the study drug (patients who did not give consent for treatment with HCQ or had a known allergy to HCQ or chloroquine or had any other known contraindication to treatment with the study drug served were allocated as controls) and because of some concerns in three of four other domains. |
Trial NCT04316377
Publication NO COVID-19 - Lyngbakken MN, Nature (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-03-25 to 2020-05-25
Funding: Public/non profit (University Hospital, Akershus;European Virus Archive Global (EVA-GLOBAL) project [publication])
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Single center / Norway Follow-up duration (days): 30 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg orally twice daily for 7 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=27 Standard care=26 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 53 Mean age : NR 35 males Severity : Mild: n=* / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=* Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Rate of decline in SARS-CoV-2 viral load, Time Frame: Baseline (at randomization) and at 96 hours | |
In the report Rate of decline in SARS-CoV-2 viral load in the oropharynx from baseline through the first 96 hours after randomization | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
High |
General comment |
In addition to the published and pre-print articles, the supplementary materials, study registry, protocol, and statistical analysis plan were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. Additionally, an open source repository of the trial used for data extraction. The trial was terminated early by the study sponsor (University Hospital, Akershus) after the first planned interim analysis due to rapidly decreasing incidence of COVID-19 in Norway. Some planned outcomes in the protocol and registry were not reported in the paper. There was no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. Time point at termination of the study (30 days expected) are not reported.
This study (complete result section and Risk of Bias assessment) was updated on 04/11/2020. |
Trial ISRCTN83971151; NCT04315948
Publication SOLIDARITY (HCQ) - Pan H, N Engl J Med (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-03-22 to 2020-10-04
Funding: Mixed (World Health Organization; Mylan (drug donation))
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / Multinational (30) Follow-up duration (days): 28 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 200 mg tablets orally: four tablets at hour 0, four tablets at hour 6, and, starting at hour 12, two tablets twice daily for 10 days |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=954 Standard care=909 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 1863 Mean age : NR 1109 males Severity : Mild: n=686 / Moderate: n=* / Severe: n=* Critical: n=* | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register All-cause mortality, subdivided by the severity of disease at the time of randomization, measured using patient records throughout the study | |
In the report In-hospital mortality | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Low |
General comment |
In addition to all available versions of the published manuscript, the pre-print article, the study registry and protocol were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. This was a report of interim results of an adaptive trial evaluating 4 drugs: Remdesivir, Hydroxychloroquine, Lopinavir, and Interferon-β1a. No target sample size was pre-specified.
Quote: "The protocol stated “The larger the number entered the more accurate the results will be, but numbers entered will depend on how the epidemic develops… it may be possible to enter several thousand hospitalised patients with relatively mild disease and a few thousand with severe disease, but realistic, appropriate sample sizes could not be estimated at the start of the trial.” The Executive Group, blind to any findings, decided the timing of release of interim results." Quote: "The hydroxychloroquine, lopinavir, and interferon regimens were discontinued for futility on, respectively, June 19, July 4, and October 16, 2020." There was no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments, nor in the primary and secondary outcomes. Discrepancy between exclusion criteria in the protocol and in the paper. Lack of clarity on why/how Hydrochloroquine was administered to ventilated patients(for lopinavir, it is stated: Other formulations were not provided, so ventilated patients received no study Lopinavir while unable to swallow). This study was updated on December 9th using data from the published manuscript. |
Trial NCT04332991
Publication ORCHID - Self W, JAMA (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-02 to 2020-06-19
Funding: Mixed (National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI), NCATS, Harvard Catalyst, Sandoz.)
Conflict of interest: Yes
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Participants, outcome assessor and health care pro | |
Location :
Multicenter / USA Follow-up duration (days): 28 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg orally twice daily for first 2 doses, then 200 mg twice daily for subsequent 8 doses for a total of 10 doses over 5 days |
Placebo | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=242 Placebo=237 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 479 Mean age : NR 267 males Severity : Mild: n=168 / Moderate: n=224 / Severe: n=55 Critical: n=32 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register COVID Ordinal Outcomes Scale on Day 15 [ Time Frame: assessed on study day 15 ] We will determine the COVID Ordinal Scale for all patients on study day 15 | |
In the report Clinical status 14 days after randomization assessed with a 7-category ordinal scale (the COVID Outcomes Scale) recommended by the World Health Organization. | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment | In addition to the published article, the trial registry, published design and rationale article, study protocol and statistical analysis plan were used in data extraction and assessment of risk of bias. There were no differences between trial registry, study protocol and published article in terms of population, procedures, treatments or outcomes. The trial was stopped at the fourth interim analysis due to probable futility, announcements of no benefit from the RECOVERY trial in the UK, and advisories from national regulatory agencies. |
Trial ChiCTR2000029868
Publication Tang W, BMJ (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 11feb2020 to 29feb2020
Funding: Mixed (Emergent Projects of National Science and Technology; National Natural Science Foundation of China; National Key Research and Development Program of China; Shanghai Municipal Key Clinical Specialty; National Innovative Research Team of High-level Loc)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: Unblinded | |
Location :
Multicenter / China Follow-up duration (days): 33 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine Initial dose: 1200 mg orally daily for 3 days- Maintenance dose: 800 mg orally daily for the remaining days. Treatment duration: 2 weeks (mild to moderate); 3 weeks (severe) |
Standard care | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=75 Standard care=75 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 150 Mean age : NR 82 males Severity : Mild: n=22 / Moderate: n=126 / Severe: n=2 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Viral nucleic acid test | |
In the report Negative conversion of SARS–CoV–2 by 28 days and whether patients with severe COVID–19 had a clinical improvement by 28 days | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol Yes. In English Statistical plan Yes Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Yes |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment | In addition to all available versions of the published/pre-print article, the study registry, protocol, and statistical analysis plan were used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The study was terminated early by the IDMC after interim review of safety and efficacy data. The study did not achieve the target sample size specified in the trial registry. The primary outcome included clinical improvement, however the authors do not report this. They provide an explanation for this change: "since the trial was stopped early and only 2 patients with severe disease were enrolled, results on clinical improvement are not presented". There is no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. Some outcomes (e.g., all cause mortality) are reported in the paper, but were not pre-specified in the trial registry. They are, however, pre-specified in the protocol. On July 15th 2020, we received additional information from authors on this study. |
Trial NCT04369742
Publication TEACH - Ulrich RJ, Open Forum Infect Di (2020) (published paper)
Dates: 2020-04-17 to 2020-05-12
Funding: Public/non profit (NYU Grossman School of Medicine; National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences, National Institutes of Health)
Conflict of interest: No
Methods | |
RCT Blinding: double blinding | |
Location :
Multicenter / USA Follow-up duration (days): 30 | |
Inclusion criteria |
Exclusion criteria |
Interventions | |
Hydroxychloroquine 400 mg (2 tablets) twice daily (day 1) and 200 mg (1 tablet) twice daily (days 2-5) |
Placebo Calcium citrate: 400 mg (2 tablets) twice daily (day 1) and 200 mg (1 tablet) twice daily (days 2-5) | |
Participants | |
Randomized participants : Hydroxychloroquine=67 Placebo=61 | |
Characteristics of participants N= 128 Mean age : NR 76 males Severity : Mild: n=45 / Moderate: n=62 / Severe: n=21 Critical: n=0 | |
Primary outcome | |
In the register Cumulative incidence of SAEs through day 30; Cumulative incidence of grade 3 or 4 AEs through day 30; Incidence of discontinuation of therapy (for any reason); Severe disease progression composite outcome | |
In the report Proportion of subjects meeting a severe COVID-19 progression composite endpoint (death, ICU admission, mechanical ventilation, ECMO, and/or vasopressor use) at day 14; Cumulative incidence of SAE, grade 3 or 4 AE, and/or discontinuation of therapy at day 30. | |
Documents avalaible |
Protocol NR Statistical plan NR Data-sharing willing stated in the publication: Not reported |
Risk of bias Overall The overall risk of bias reported in the table corresponds to the highest risk of bias for the outcomes assessed for the systematic review |
Some concerns |
General comment | In addition to the accepted manuscript, the study registry was used in data extraction and risk of bias assessment. The protocol and data analysis plan were not available. The report stated the existence of the protocol in the supplementary materials but this could be found. The report stated that the protocol was amended to allow for co-enrollment in other COVID-19 therapeutic trials and for the enrollment of children and pregnant women. The study was registered retrospectively. The authors states that the study team initiated registration prospectively, but a separate office submitted the registration later due to administrative delays during COVID-19. The study was terminated early by the investigators due to a decrease in COVID-19 admissions and consequently did not achieve the target sample size. There was no change from the trial registration in the intervention and control treatments. The primary outcomes indicated in registry reflected the primary outcomes reported in the paper. |